
English => Interfaces, Pinouts, Cables => Topic started by: idsdi on May 19, 2005, 08:44

Title: Sony 10-pin AV Connector
Post by: idsdi on May 19, 2005, 08:44

I am trying to find out some information about a new A/V output cable that is being used by SONY on their new camcorders.  They just refer to is as a 10-pin connector.  The SONY part number for the cable that uses it is VMC15FS  - it provides Composite, SVideo & Audio output signals.

I have not seen this type of plug before and was trying to find somewhere I could get one of these plugs so I could make a custom cable for a project I am trying to do.

Any help would be appreciated
Title: Re: Sony 10-pin AV Connector
Post by: Andrew on Jun 10, 2005, 14:52
Is this connector listed at ?