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40 (16+12+12) pin QuadLock Fakra Head Unit / Car Stereo connector layout
Разъем 40 (16+12+12) pin QuadLock Fakra Head Unit / Car Stereo
5000C, 6000 CD (p/n 8M5T-18C815-AB, 6s61-18c815-ab), CD132-MP3/CDS harness and other

Head unit pinout abbreviations meaning

Pin function

Power pins

BAT Battery+  (12V direct from Battery). 
GND, GROUND Chassis Ground
 ACC Ignition powered. +12 V with the ignition key is in the ACC or ON position.

Audio pins

FR+ or RF+ Front right speaker out
FL+ or LF+ Front left speaker out
RR+ Rear right speaker out
LR+ or  RL+ Rear left speaker out
FR- or RF-, FL- or LF-, RR-, LR- or RL- The corresponding speaker ground

Misc. pins

CAN-L, CAN-H CAN on board diagnostic bus

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