Pinouts >  Разъемы автомагнитол Lexus и Toyota  >  Toyota Camry pinouts
10 pin Toyota 90980-10997, 90980-11781, 90980-11800, 90980-12540, 90980-12691 Radio plug connector layout
Разъем 10 pin Toyota 90980-10997, 90980-11781, 90980-11800, 90980-12540, 90980-12691 Radio plug

10 pin Toyota 90980-10997, 90980-11781, 90980-11800, 90980-12540, 90980-12691 Radio plug with numbering

1 R FR(+) Front Right +
2 B FL(+) Front Left +
3 GR ACC  
4 L-Y Batt+  
5 G FR(-) Front Right -
6 W FL(-) Front Left -
7 BR GND  

6 pin Toyota 90980-10996, 90980-11728, 90980-11780, 90980-12539, 90980-12690 Radio plug with numbering

Signal Opt Details
2 R RL(+)   Rear Left +
6 G RL(-)   Rear Left -

28 pin Toyota 90980-12555 Radio plug with numbering

Signal Details
1 Y IG  
2 L REV Reverse Gear position switch
4 B MAcc Mic
5 W MIn+
7 GR TX1+ Amp
8 G TX1- Amp
9 R CAN-H CAN Bus High
10 W CAN-L CAN Bus Low
11 shield AGND Stereo Jack Adapter wires shield
17 V SPD  
18 shield SGND Mic shield
19 R MIn- Mic
20 L MUT Amp
21 B SW1 Up, Down, Vol+, Vol- switches
22 Y SW2 Mode, Voice, Off-Hook, On-Hook switches
23 P SWG Steering wheel switches ground
24 SB SW3 Enter, Back, Right, Left switches
25 G ADPG Stereo Jack Adapter
26 B VAR+
27 W VA-
28 R VAL+


16 pin Connector

Signal Details
6 R PKB Parking brake
7 B CA+ Camera
8 W V+
15 shield CGND Camera Shield
16 R V- Camera


Omitted pins are Not Connected.


Toyota Signals 

Signal Details
FR(+), FR(-) Sound signal output (Front Right)
FL(+), FL(-) Sound signal output (Front Left)
RR(+), RR(-) Sound signal output (Rear Right)
RL(+), RL(-) Sound signal output (Rear Left)
CNH, CNL Local bus communication signal
REV Reverse signal
PKB Parking brake signal. This signal is grounded when parking break switch is closed. Floats otherwise
SPD Vehicle speed signal. Generated from the Speedometer. Most likely this is the Vehicle speed sensor pulse line.
ACC Power source (ACC). 11-14V when ignition switch ACC
B+, +B Power source (Battery). 11-14V constant.
CA+ Rear camera power supply
V+, V- Rear camera display signal (composite?)
MACC Microphone power supply (4-6V)
MIN+, MIN- Microphone voice signal input
SNS, SNS2 Microphone connection detection signal (always <1V)
TX1+, TX1- AVC-LAN communication signal (usually amplifier communication)
SW1, SW2, SW3 Steering pad switch signal (SWG - signal ground)
ADPG External device connection detection signal. <1V when connected, otherwise 2-3V
VAR(+), VAL(+) Sound signal input (Right, Left). External device playing audio (When stereo jack used)
ARI, ALI Stereo Jack sound signal input (Right, Left). External device playing audio (When stereo jack used)

Toyota Wiring Color Codes

B=Black W=White BR=Brown
L=Blue V=Violet SB=Sky Blue
R=Red G=Green LG=Light Green
P=Pink Y=Yellow GR=Gray
O=Orange BE=Beige DG=Dark Gray
6 pin Toyota 90980-10996, 90980-11728, 90980-11780, 90980-12539, 90980-12690 Radio plug connector layout
Разъем 6 pin Toyota 90980-10996, 90980-11728, 90980-11780, 90980-12539, 90980-12690 Radio plug
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Эта распиновка

Additional connector №3

28 pin Toyota 90980-12555 Radio plug connector layout
Разъем 28 pin Toyota 90980-12555 Radio plug

Additional connector №4

16 pin Toyota, Lexus 90980-12553 Radio connector layout
Разъем 16 pin Toyota, Lexus 90980-12553 Radio
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