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40 (16+12+12) pin QuadLock Fakra Head Unit / Car Stereo connector layout
Разъем 40 (16+12+12) pin QuadLock Fakra Head Unit / Car Stereo
p/n 3C8035195

Multi-pin connector A, 8-pin, for loudspeaker outputs

Pin Function
1 Rear right loudspeaker, positive
2 Front right loudspeaker, positive
3 Front left loudspeaker, positive
4 Rear left loudspeaker, positive
5 Rear right loudspeaker, negative
6 Front right loudspeaker, negative
7 Front left loudspeaker, negative
8 Rear left loudspeaker, negative

Multi-pin connector A, 8-pin, for voltage supply lines and CAN bus

Pin Function
9 CAN bus, high
10 CAN bus, low
11 N.C.
12 Voltage supply, negative, terminal 31
13 N.C.
14 N.C.
15 Voltage supply, positive, terminal 30
16 Anti-theft coding control signal, SAFE, positive

Multi-pin connector B, 12-pin, for CD changer control and CD audio input signals

Pin Function
1 Left input AUX signals
2 AUX signal ground
3 CD changer, audio signal ground
4 CD changer, voltage supply, positive, terminal 30, contact continuous power handling greater than 1A, short-term peak power handling 5A
6 CD changer, DATA OUT (data exchange for CD changer control from radio navigation system to CD changer)
7 Right input AUX signals
8 CD changer, left audio channel, CD/L
9 CD changer, right audio channel, CD/R
10 CD changer, control line, switched positive
11 CD changer, DATA IN (data exchange for CD changer control from CD changer to radio navigation system)
12 CD changer, CLOCK (internal check protocol for data flow monitoring)

Multi-pin connector C, 12-pin, for telephone signals

Pin Function
1 N.C.
2 N.C.
3 N.C.
4 N.C.
5 Left telephone audio input signal, negative
6 Right telephone audio input signal, negative
7 N.C.
8 N.C.
9 N.C.
10 Telephone mute (radio mute)
11 Left telephone audio input signal, positive
12 Right telephone audio input signal, positive


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