Pinouts >  Разъемы приемников GPS  >  Navigon pinouts
5 pin Mini-USB type B plug connector layout
Разъем 5 pin Mini-USB type B plug
Wiring diagram pinout for Navigon GPS charge and concurrent use
Pin Pin
1 +5V 5 Volts Direct Current
2 Data floating/Not connected
3 Data floating/Not connected
4 Ident Conneted to Pin 4 (GND) as pure short, no resistor
5 Ground Ground, shorted to pin X

Use of standard mini-b will place unit in Data Exchange/Synchronization mode. Use of mini-b with a 4-x pure short will allow use of Navigation software and concurrent charging. USB power source must be 1000 ma or above.

На распиновку Navigon 7100, 7110, 5100, 5110, 2100 charger есть 8 отзыв(а): 8 положительных и 0 отрицательных.

Эта распиновка
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