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12 pin XBox power supply v1.0, v1.1 proprietary connector layout
Разъем 12 pin XBox power supply v1.0, v1.1 proprietary
may be either 12 or 24 pins connector
For 12 pin connector:
Pin Signal Description
1 +12V Yellow
2 +5V Red
3 +5V Red
4 +5V Red
5 +3.3V Orange
6 +3.3V STBY (+1.2V in Xbox v1.0) Brown
7,8,9,10 GND Black
11 Power ON White
12 Power OK Blue

For 20 pin connector:
Pin Signal Description
1 +5V Red
2 +5V Red
3 +5V Red
5 GND Black
7 +3.3V Orange
9 GND Black
10 Power OK Blue
11 +12V Yellow
13 +5V Red
14 GND Black
15 +3.3V STBY (+V1.2 in Xbox v1.0) Brown
16 GND Black
18 +3.3V Orange
19 GND Black
20 Power ON White

PowON and PowOK signals are not to be used as current sources; they are just signals between the PSU and the mobo. PowON is a signal from the mobo to the psu telling it to turn on, so when the xbox notices that you have pressed the power button on the front it puts 3.3V on the PowON line to tell the PSU to turn on. When the PSU is stable it ouputs 3.3V on the PowOK line to tell the mobo that the psu is working correctly and that the whole xbox can be turned on.

20 pin MiniFit Jr 5566-20 male (MOLEX 39-29-9202) connector layout
Разъем 20 pin MiniFit Jr 5566-20 male (MOLEX 39-29-9202)
На распиновку Xbox power supply connector (internal) есть 8 отзыв(а): 8 положительных и 0 отрицательных.

Эта распиновка
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