Pinouts.ruHome Search:

We are gathering and investigating information about interfaces of modern and obsolete electronic hardware: pinouts of interface ports, layouts of expansion slots, information about other connectors of computers and various electronic devices. Information on functions of pins in connector (pinout) is essential for everyone who want to investigate modern computer hardware, explore the way it's works, connect various devices to computer, make DIY electronic devices.

Our handbook features 3211 documents with:

All pinouts are available in English and Russian.

Equipment described herein includes modern and obsolete computers, peripherals, mobile phones and other electronic devices. We are not publishing pinouts of integrated circuit (IC) or their datasheets.

The content of site is divided in some categories.
Pinouts of computer hardware components: videocards, power supply units, harddisks are in "Computer Hardware". It also includes information about some standard electrical interfaces.
Pinouts of external connectors of various devices (cellular phones,GPS,UPS) and their peripheral (headsets, PSU) are in "Devices Connectors".
Section "Cables and Adapters" covers schemes of cables for a wide variety of electronic equipment. Please note that schemes of cables may be placed into other sections also.
The "Pinouts by Vendor" covers mostly cellular phones, other portable devices and cars. It's not possible to find a pinout of computer component s here.
If you know view of your connector you may search for it in "Connectors" section. Please note that drawing can differ from original connector (count pins and search for similarly shaped connector).

Most of our documents are created by our visitors, written by ( team or collected from public available sources (with link(s) to origin(s) included).

Content of this site is the result of our collective work started in 2000 year.

Something left uncovered? Help us to grow up. You m ay add new pinouts! Submit your information to pinout wizard and the new pinout webpage will be created for all of us.

You are welcome to ask any questions about pinouts, connectors and wirings at the forum.

Feel free to correct existing documents, add explanations, fix errors, suggest related links at this forum (don't forget to include title of document(s) affected).
In addition, you may submit your suggestions and comments via guestbook.

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