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24 pin Pantech cell phone proprietary connector layout
Разъем 24 pin Pantech cell phone proprietary
Full pinout for Pantech C300, G300, G600, G700, G800, G900, GB100, GB200, GB300, GF200, GF500, PG1200, PG1400, PG1500, PG3000, PG3200, PG3500, PG3600, PG6100, PG8000. Used in almost all Pantech phones?
Pin Function
1 +Vcharge
2 +Vcharge
3 CTS / IO / USC5
4 RTS / CLK / USC4
5? FS / RI / USC3
6 +Vbat
7 +Vbat
9? FS / RI / USC6
10 RX / CTS / GPIO_1
11 TX / RTS / GPIO_3
12 TXD / TX / USC2
13 POWERON. Connect to GND for autostart phone.
15 RXD / RX / USC1
16 CLK / USC0
17 JTAGEN - For activation connect to Vbat.
18 TDI / DAI1 / GPIO20
19 TDO / DAI0 / GPIO21
21 TCK / HSLDO0 / GPIO18
22 GND
23 GND
24 GND

Newer Pantech cell phones may be connected to computer with simple USB cable. +Vcharge to PC USB Vcc, pin 8 to USB Data+, Pin 14 to USB Data-, GND to USB GND. Should work with Pantech PG-6100 and may be some others

Pins 3,4,6,7,11,12,15,16,22,23,24 are used in serial data-cable
Pins 6,7, 10,11,12,15,16,22,23,24 are used for JTAG (hi level specification by Analog Device)

На распиновку Pantech C300, G300, G600, G700, G800, G900, GB100, GB200, GB300, GF200, GF500, PG1200, PG1400, PG1500, PG3000, PG3200, PG3500, PG3600, PG6100, PG8000 cell phones cable connector есть 6 отзыв(а): 5 положительных и 1 отрицательных.

Эта распиновка
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